Sharpen Your Reasoning Skills

FOLL-E is an interactive and fun approach to sharpen your logical reasoning skills and encourage critical thinking. Because of its tactile, blocks-based notation, the focus is completely on learning logical reasoning — without being distracted by finicky symbols.

Hand-drawn Robot Application

Hand-drawn Robot Application

Children are tasked with describing knowledge on what separates “good” from “bad” robots. Learning to put an abstract idea into words is one of the fundamental skills that FOLL-E helps train.

Blocks-based Notation

Our blocks-based notation makes expressing knowledge inviting, engaging and puzzle-like. You do not need to learn complex mathematical symbols, but can instead focus on experimenting with logic. Due their rigid structure, the blocks also prevent common errors.

Blocks-based Notation
Immediate Feedback and High Interactivity

Immediate Feedback and High Interactivity

FOLL-E encourages trial and error, with quick and precise feedback.

Based on Theory

Blocks in FOLL-E are directly translatable to First Order Logic, a foundation of mathematics, philosophy, and computer science.

Based on Theory
Open-Source Technologies

Open-Source Technologies

FOLL-E uses exclusively open source technologies. You can even make your own FOLL-E boxes: the code is available online, and we will be releasing a more complete tutorial soon.

FOLL-E in Action


It’s satisfying to puzzle the pieces together and see the result, especially if it’s correct.

Being able to see how it works is very impressive.

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